Travel Q & A with Anthea Petersen
Why Antarctica?
My dream has always been to travel to Antarctica on an ice breaker. The vastness of the continent fascinates me. Having read numerous books on exploration to the South Pole, this continent had strong appeal. Although we crossed the Antarctic Circle, we were nowhere near the South Pole. Certainly, we did it in style when compared to Shackleton, the famed National Geographic Explorer who was the first to start these journeys.
Interview with David Gillson: Trip to Iceland
I have always loved travel, and so I am thrilled to be adding some more travel articles to my blog. I think you will find this series of travel Q&A enjoyable, but also interesting, as we delve a little into how much things cost and how the economies in various countries are developing… or not.
This first Q&A is on Iceland… and how expensive a glass of wine is!
The Joy of Beirut
Peter Sullivan recently celebrated a milestone birthday with his daughters in Beirut. He shares some interesting insights about his trip with us in the following article.
Before going to Beirut to celebrate my 70th birthday with my daughters, I met Lebanon’s Ambassador to South Africa. He asked what I knew of his country. “Not a lot” I confessed.
“It is smaller than the Kruger Park. Sea and beach one side, then mountains, then a valley, then higher mountains for skiing. On small west side, Israel border. All around rest of country, Syria. “You will feel you are in the Western Cape. Wine estates, green, lovely valley, mountains.”